Petts Hill Primary School governors
Whether you are a prospective or existing parent please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries or concerns.
Opportunities to join the governing body arise at regular intervals. There is currently one vacancy for a parent governors. We are always keen to hear from parents who may be interested in joining the governing body – please contact the school for more details.
Category of Governor |
Name |
Term of Office |
Area of Responsibility |
Declaration of business interests |
Community Governor Co-opted |
Mr Mathew Bennett (Interim Chair) |
26 November 2020 To 25 November 2024 |
Finance and Resources Health & Safety |
None to declare Sept 24 |
Community Governor Co-opted |
Ms Christos Faleye |
11 June 2020 To 10 June 2024 |
SEN Race and Equality |
None to declare Sept 24 |
Parent Governor |
Mrs Nora Durajda
19 October 2023 To 18 October 2027 |
Safeguarding |
None to declare Sept 24
Community Governor Co-opted |
Mr Dinesh Thurai |
10 March 2022 To 9 March 2026 |
Curriculum |
None to declare Sept 24 |
Community Governor |
Mr Hendrix Emmanuel |
12 December 2024 To 12 December 2028 |
None to declare Dec 24 |
Community Governor |
Mrs Jean Pooley |
12 December 2024 To 12 December 2028 |
None to declare Dec 24 |
Community Governor |
Mrs Ayan Issa Ahmed |
12 December 2024 To 12 December 2028 |
None to declare Dec 24 |
LA Governor |
Mr Frank Omare |
6 January 2025 To 6 January 2029 |
None to declare Jan 25 |
Head Teacher |
Mrs Katherine Flewitt |
Start Sept 2003 |
None to declare Sept 24 |
Staff Governor |
Mrs Nina Shah-Onwukwe |
2 March 2024 To 1 March 2028 |
Curriculum |
None to declare Sept 24 |
Observer/Deputy Headteacher |
Mrs Laura McGregor |
English & Maths |
None to declare Sept 24 |
Clerk to Governing Body |
Mrs Lesley Tucker |
None to declare Sept 24 |
Click below to see the register of governor appointments and FGB meeting attendance
click here to view the governor appointments and FGB meeting attendance
What do Governors do?
School governing bodies are responsible for working with the school to ensure that it delivers a good quality education.
Together with the headteacher, who is responsible for day-to-day management, they set the school's aims and policies. The governors act as a “critical friend” to the school, monitoring and overseeing the smooth running of the school and supporting and listening to staff and parents. The governing body is responsible for the overall management of the school and for determining its aims, objectives and policies in accordance with all the relevant legislation. The head manages the school from day to day and is the governing body’s principal professional adviser who assists it with the formulation and implementation of its aims, objectives, policies and plans.
School governors help our school provide the best possible education for our pupils by:
- Thinking and working strategically to help raise standards;
- Monitoring and evaluating progress towards the school’s priorities and targets;
- Supporting the head and staff as well as challenging their expectations;
- Accounting to all stakeholders for the school’s overall performance and for the decisions they have made;
- Promote high standards of educational attainment and ensure continued school improvement;
- Set targets for pupil achievement
- Take general responsibility for the conduct of the school;
- Manage the school’s budget, including deciding how many staff will work there and their pay;
- Make sure that the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, in particular that the National Curriculum and religious education are taught, and report on pupils’ achievement in National Curriculum assessments and examination results;
- Participate in the appointment of staff (including appointing the head teacher) and regulate staff conduct and discipline, and;
- Approve an action plan after an inspection by the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted);
- Ensure provision for pupils with statements of special educational needs;
- Set standards of behaviour;
- Assist with the preparation of a school profile for parents;
- Deal with complaints;
- Hear appeals against pupil exclusions;
- Fulfil duties placed on governing bodies by the Department for Education.
Christos Faleye
Since secondary school, I have always wanted to be a governor simply because of my passion for positively shaping the educational experience of students and investing efforts into the future of all learners. I believe it’s our responsibility to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn from exceptional teachers and in a safe and supportive environment.Christos graduated with a master’s degree in Chemical Biology and currently works in the Financial Technology Industry with 5 years of experience as a Software Engineer. Prior to starting her career, she volunteered as a student teacher, teaching Mathematics in South Africa over two summers during university. She also worked as a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) for college students in the UK after university. Her experiences as a student teacher and LSA further motivated her to be more involved in schools to hopefully make a difference and share her knowledge and skills in a practical manner.
Nora Durajda
Matthew Bennett
My passion for people, development, education and for wanting to give back, made joining Petts Hill as a governor very easy.
I believe that there are many transferable skills that I have built and crafted in my professional and personal life that I can share - to the benefit of Petts Hill and ultimately the fantastic pupils at the school.
My professional experience has spanned various directorates including finance, sales, commercial and operations which has given me a breadth and depth of exposure in the telecommunications industry.
Therefore, as a qualified accountant and the head of a commercial department - I can help drive the right decisions to achieve the schools goals and objectives while learning new skills everyday.
Dinesh Thurai
Dinesh has been in teaching for nearly 14 years now with a wealth of experience within an educational setting. He has taught in three schools as Secondary teacher with middle leadership, and senior leadership experience teaching ages 12-18. From Head of Department to Assistant and Deputy Head posts he has helped develop new teachers from trainee teachers to ECTs in both a Primary and Secondary School phases in line with the teaching standards. He has been heavily involved with schools’ examinations, policies, assessment recording and reporting and overseeing the school website to ensure compliance.
Having relocated Dinesh has now moved to a school in West London taking a middle leadership post to spend more time with his family. He has become a governor to assist the governing board to develop the strategic direction of the school